Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Thank you!

The 2014 Tour Divide's Grand Depart is just around the corner.  I need to say "thank you" to a lot of folks.

First, my wife.  Thank you for being my best friend and my supporter.  Thank you for putting so many things in our life on hold so I can pursue such a big adventure.

My parents.  Thank you for giving me all the tools in my life to attempt something so intimidating.  I look forward to seeing you in New Mexico; don't forget to pick me up.

People who have ridden bikes with me over the years.  Thank you George, Monica, & Andy; Aaron from law school; my wife; V-Day folks; Dr. Gibby; GAP/C&O trip friends (Valerie, Than, Brian, Eric, etc.); random folks I've met from races, the internet, or just out for a ride; and random wheels I've clung to.

Tour Divide veterans.  Thank you for your advice and wisdom; Mike Kerley, Ollie Walley, and Chris Bennett.

Bike shop folks.  Thank you to the folks at Spokes Etc. on Quaker Lane for helping me figure out my rig, and dealing with all my weird requests; specifically, Jack and Garrett.  Thanks to the folks at Seven Cycles for building a frame that is fast enough to drop some road bikes and strong enough to carry 3 weeks worth of gear over mountains.  Thank you to Mister or should I say Herr "Rohloff," or whoever designed this miracle of engineering, your hub is pretty amazing.

The office.  I work at a great place and have an awesome boss that is allowing me to take a whole month off.  Thank you Rachel, thank you Allison for filling-in, and thanks to everyone at the Board who makes it a special place.

The race "organizer" and folks who make it the race what it is.  Thank you to Matthew Lee, MTB Cast, Spot Tracker folks, Topofusion for your GPS foot steps, and all the people along the way who shift an extra 3 feet over when they see a cyclist on the road.

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